
about kim

Kim Geiser


Thanks for visiting my blog today! My name is Kim and I am a silly girl who loves to tell stories, paint, draw, inspire and just live a fun colorful life.

My journey as an artist has really been life long but didn't truly come to be until 1999 when I opened my first retail store with a few ladies. Since then I have run a few stores both brick and mortar and online, sold to dozens of shops all around the country, had solo exhibitions, published work in dozens of books and magazines and currently have a book deal with North Light books  for my first book (January 2017) All of it has been a fantastic journey and lead me to where I am right now and will guide me to where I see myself going. Every single person I teach or inspire means the world to me and this journey! Thank you.

I offer a variety of services and products designed to live a creative life. While I generally stock my Etsy store and online presence with mainly digital downloads of my art I also create unique handcrafted jewelry, paintings, posters, and so so much more. If you are interested in carrying my products in your store make sure to ask about wholesale! I really enjoy helping others bring creativity into their world so I love to teach a variety of classes on everything from polymer clay to garden design.....all aspects of my life are artsy! So if you need a special gift, want help decorating your living room, need a little creative push in your garden, or just want to brainstorm on some solutions to your problems in your business feel free to contact me at

Also make sure to visit my facebook page where I share free downloads and great ideas too!

Have a beautiful day!

Me and my Good Day Wisconsin pals

My colorful art filled life