Sunday, February 10, 2008

I love my husband

I just walked into the bedroom where there is a heap (like 6 loads) of unfolded laundry on the bed and started folding and he told me to go away he likes folding laundry. How lucky am I?


Unknown said...

Can you have him teach my husband the love of folding?

Lucky woman you!

Denise said...

My husband doesn't love it but he does it. I throw it on the couch while he is watching MythBusters and he just starts folding...

David said...

Or maybe it's more a case where Glenn just likes to fondle your undies when you're not around, all in the guise of being the thoughtful, helpful husband...not that it matters, as long as the job gets done I guess. I know that's why Kim (not you, the other one that shares your brain) likes to fold my laundry...oh yeah.

How's the Guatemalan? Where's a blog pic of you and Glenn enjoying a the breakfast table all smiles and thumbs up (I need an ad image)...or one with you lifting your cup and smiling in the foreground and him happily folding laundry in the background.

Joy Logan said...

WOW,but mine cooks is that good also? I think they need to save us at times,like dragon slayers?