Saturday, May 9, 2009

Where does time go???

I am not quite sure where time seems to go lately. Before I know it a week has passed and I realize I haven't blogged for way too long. Between the shop, etsy, art and about, the downtown revitalization stuff, my garden, and last but definitely not least my family I just can't keep up!! Luckily I have my art to keep me sane!

Having my shop and my very dreamy life people are often telling me how I am living their dream. It always gets me thinking of life and how we all want something we don't have. While I do love my life I also think it would be nice to live in the country and have a studio in an old barn where I could spend my days in a garden alone with my dog at my feet and Molly playing and exploring nature. I could have a little shop that would only be open enough for me to get my much needed dose of adult human interaction. I would drive an old turquoise pickup truck that I would bring my veggies and crafts to farmers markets in. Oh life would be dreamy.

But then I take a look around and realize all of those things I think I want are actually right in front of me just in a different setting. I do have a wonderful garden, my dog at my feet (when the mood strikes her) and Molly playing in the backyard. My shop does not have to be open all the time but I actually enjoy being there and know I would miss it if I didn't have it. While I seem to never be able to pay myself with anything except art supplies... to stick back in the business...I think maybe if I did have a job job and got a paycheck most of my money would go to buy art supplies anyways. I don't have that funky old pickup truck but my rusty old Sable gets me around just fine and I can pack a lot of stuff in it. When I think about it my life is my dream. Each of us are living our dreams it is all in the way you look at it!

Enjoy your dreamy life!


David said...

Very nice post. I feel all warm and gooey now. I'm workin' for myself (no jerk boss other than me), got my trophy wife, well behaved and creative kids, am healthy and get to exercise my creative muscles now and then too (not as much as I'd like). Still have some things on the goals list yet (still need that cabin in the woods and barn for my midnight machinations) and could use some more $. But overall, life is good.

Beth said...

Alright your dreamy life in the barn is almost the same as mine! Dog and blue pickup included...seriously I have that same image and have the 'dream studio' folder to prove it.

Thanks for sharing. Life is great !

Mea said...

My dreamy life would include about six more hours in every day so I could do all the crafty stuff I don't have time for now (either that or I'd figure out a way to thrive without sleep--either would do)

Artsnark said...

Each day (& dream) is what you make it, yes? Hope you've had a wonderful mother's day!

whyte said...

Well, if we ever quit dreaming we're dead right?! Carry on!

My dream for the last several years is just to be happy. I used to dream for specific things, but in the long run a life free from stress and worry seems to be a perfect life.

Jodi Ohl said...

I think the aha moment is that our dreams sometimes are no further than out our back door and a few feet away from were we are already. I love your barn studio image though...that would be nice, too! :)

Kate said...

Love this post! You and I seem to be on the same page lately. I always thought that owning my own business and being my own boss would be the best thing in the world. Now I find myself daydreaming about the new things I'd love to be doing instead. But I wouldn't have it any other way and I'm eternally grateful for everything I have.