I like myself. Maybe a lot. Some people think that means that I am self absorbed or think that I am better than others but anyone who knows me knows that could not be further from true. There is a very fine line... that I am sure I sometimes cross ...when telling people about things that have come my way through hard work and determination.
Those who listen and are confident in their own lives get inspired and those who are not happy think I am tooting my own horn.
Which makes me think about how funny life is and how trying to please everyone is such a laugh worthy goal. Depending on the stage of your life we all see the same situation in our own way. In the last few years of my life I have tried very hard to always remember that when dealing with people. I say tried because well I am human and have bad days (or even weeks) too.
One of my bad weeks was just recently when I had been feeling a little off my game and in transition which always makes me feel a little insecure. I have feelings of not living up to standards and I miss meetings and I worry about my body image and it is just not good. Well I happened to have a survey out there for an art group I founded to find out why membership is down and how we can change it to improve that. It was an anonymous survey so it was full of constructive and honest raw criticism which was great and then there was this comment when asked what you would like to see more of at the meetings.... "Less talk about how great Kim is and more about community projects" Yikes. Of course this hit me in a bad week where I was doubtful of myself and every move I have ever made in my life and I let it get me even further down. Why would someone say something like that other than to be hurtful?
HOW UNFAIR. You know why....
Because I am great. I do great things mostly out of the love of my community. I do great things because I want to surround myself with other great people. I do great things because I find that by doing great things I feel complete which to me is far more rewarding that a paycheck (which is a trait many if not most find unbelievable)
The comment was even more unfair because I honestly 100% think that....
YOU are capable of doing great things and feeling good about them. YOU can like yourself without worrying about what others think about you. YOU can do great things. YOU are great.
That includes the anonymous person who commented and tried to ruin my day. Although that must have been one of your off days...YOU are great xx.
Kim, that was so well put! My immediate thought when I first read that hurtful comment a couple weeks ago was, "They're just jealous." And I still think that's the case! If they put half as much effort in as you did, then maybe someday someone else will be commenting, "Less talk about how great Anonymous is." Right? :D
I think YOU'RE great and you may never know how many people you've helped along the way! That's the beauty of doing great things. :D
negative people suck. keep going on with your awesome self. :) I'm glad you can brush it off, things like that always affect me too much.
Well stated here!
Love it :]
Keep on truck'in gal :]
I'm 52 years old I love myself, I like myself and I'm very proud of myself all that I've been through and all that I've done. At 52 years old I don't think or care what anyone else thinks of me. Kim don't worry about them I know that sent you for a loop it came out of nowhere. You just keep doing you and everyone have a great, wonderful, and safe weekend
It's called constructive criticism Kim. I really doubt that whoever wrote that did not intend to 'ruin your day.' How can you really have that knowledge unless you can know what they were thinking? You asked the question and didn't like the answer.
Grab the salt shaker and start shaking. Sometimes we need more than a few grains of salt.
Kim! I am on your site because I'm updating my blog roll. I love this post so much. I needed it in this moment! Being GREAT influences OTHERS TO BE GREAT. Thank you for giving that to me with this greatness. xo
Christine I understand your point but I think you and I are different in so many ways and this is one of them. I believe there are ways to get your point across without pointing fingers. Any time you name a name you are showing your weakness as a person...and I am guilty of this too at times. This reminded me that talking to people and dealing with problems can be done without hurting feelings and the result will always be more productive when approached in a mature manner.
What a GREAT response from a GREAT person!
I love your attitude Kim. We've never met in person, but I know that I would like you even more than I already do.
Because, you my friend ARE INDEED GREAT!
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