Saturday, September 8, 2007

Here's what's going on.

Ok I went to the nurse practitioner on Tuesday because I have been getting hives and my joints hurt and then that morning I was really sick and just feeling really yucky. My heart feels like it is racing all the time and I really just cannot focus. So she did tons of tests to make sure I didn't have a stroke or anything else serious. My blood pressure is really high which shouldn't surprise me it runs in my family wicked. Well I went home with no clue what was wrong and high blood pressure that made me think I was going to explode. Well Wednesday night feeling ok but I wake up at 1am sure that I am dying! I really thought I was having a heart attack. So we went to the emergency room. I had a very bad acid reflux episode. Oh man I thought I had heartburn before but apparently not. So they gave me drugs...a bunch of things in a lovely little malox drink, tylenol, vicadin, and a blood pressure pill...and sent me on my way. So I closed the store Thursday and decided I was just going to go by my mom's and rest. The nurse calls that morning and tells me my test results came back and I have a virus. It's the same virus that kids get called fifth disease. It is kind of like chicken pox if you get it as a kid no big deal but as an adult it can cause an infectious form of arthritis. The doctor she consulted with wants me to go on prednisone. ARGGGGG. I seriously don't know the last time I even took aspirin before this and in the last few days have had so many drugs in me it sucks. I asked what would happen if I don't go the wicked steroid route and she said the virus will eventually go away. So I go back Monday and will talk more about what I can do. To top it all off I stopped taking my birth control pills because I have noticed that since I started taking them is kind of when my crazy spinning head started and you guessed it I got my freakin period this morning ...1 week early. Makes me think that those pills really can screw up your system and I don't think I will take them anymore. I know drugs can be very helpful but enough already! I sound really pathetic I know and I hate being that person but it has really made me realize I need to stop trying to change everything I think isn't perfect and slow down and concentrate on what is health and my family.

By the way Molly was a perfect little angel in the emergency room in the middle of the night for 2 hours watching me get blood drawn and all kinds of things hooked up to me. I love that little girl so much it makes me want to scream.


Unknown said...

Sending you get well soon vibes. Take a load off and take care of yourself first and foremost!

Victoria said...

Wishing you well! Try to enjoy taking this time for a much needed and deserved rest! Pamper yourself for awhile!

Sarah said...

oh gosh, that all sounds awful! i hope you feel better soon!

tina kugler said...

oh dear...take a least you're not just, like, plain old crazy. or ARE you? (music sting)

Camilla said...

Ooh sounds horrible- is that like shingles? I live in fear of getting shingles because my experience with chicken pox at age 15 was so horrible. I hate the fact the virus stays in your system for ever and can flare up later in life. Hope you manage to deal with this ok without too much more medication.

Mea said...

Woman Alive!!! What a tough go you've had of it. I sure hope you are feeling better. Isn't great how kids can help hard situations without even trying sometime?