Thursday, August 21, 2008

Taking a little break.

Summer is hard for a shop owner sometimes. While everyone is out enjoying the beautiful weather I am always working. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love what I do but I also long for holidays of any sort so I can have more than one day off a week. We didn't really do many fun things with Molly this summer because of working so much so we decided to take next Monday and Tuesday off to spend doing fun kid things. We will be heading to Green Bay to Bay Beach (a totally cheesy fun amusement park) and the New Zoo. I haven't decided if we are staying overnight in Green Bay yet but that is a possibility. With Sputnikfest coming so fast it isn't the best timing but oh well.

So don't go to Persimmons those days because I won't be there.

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you all but I dyed my hair red, well actually strawberry blonde. Ignore the morningness of this picture. I freaked out at first but the color has calmed down a bit and now I am used to it.

3 comments: said...

Persimmons Gal...Thank you for listing how you did the three columns! I'll try it later this weekend. I love it....AND your blog!!

sarahelizabeth said...

Yeah Bay Beach! I take my kids there all the time! Have a fun few days off :)


have a great time in Green Bay...and your color looks great :)