Monday, January 5, 2009


In life I have noticed that friends come and go. Not for any other reason than it is time to move on. I have some great friends who even though I haven't talked to for months or even years and we can still talk for hours when we see each other. There is a real connection. Like my friend Julie from Baraboo. I haven't spoken to her for months...maybe a year but I know if I need someone to talk to I could call her and she would be there.

Then there are people you think you really get along with and all of a sudden there is nothing. No explanation or reason and it hurts but you move on and get over it and find a new person to fill the void. That has only happened a time or two but I have tried to convince myself that life is too short to worry about those things...but it still hurts when you think about times you spent with that friend.

I am so thankful for those people who get me. I am rich in life with friendships and this year I am going to work on those friendships. I am a hard person to befriend sometimes because I work 6 days a week and can't always drop things to be there for someone. I will try but feel like I sometimes I don't give as much as some of my friends give me. So with the hours cutting back I am hoping to strengthen the friendships that have endured and move on from those that do not.

One friendship I know will last my lifetime is with that hunk of a man in the silly picture. My best friend in the whole world...Glenn. He really puts up with all of me and I am forever grateful to him for that. It takes a special kind of guy to put up with an over emotional, procrastinating, messy, artist type (he's an engineer) and he is that guy. My best friend forever and ever...and ever.

So to all of my friends thank you and I hope to see much more of you this year. To my Internet pals (you know who you are) I too look forward to growing our friendship this year even if we can't go out for coffee ... well I am still hoping to win the lottery!!!


Jodi Ohl said...

I've felt the way you do about several of my old friends that have come in and out of my life, but think you are right, not everyone is supposed to be there for all times in our lives. Not to say those memories of the good times have to go away. We all move on for our own reasons, most of the time it has nothing to do with anything but just the way life has taken us.

I'm glad you have Glenn--sounds like a keeper :)

QueenBe said...

I am so sorry to hear you are having troubles with a friend.... I am sure oneday she will realize what she is missing out on. With kids and jobs and family things, It can be difficult to hold a friendship together. I wish I had more oppurtunity to get together with freinds, but when we do get together, it feels like we never had a void. You are lucky to have your hunk!! I have an engineer hunk hubby too, and yes he puts up with alot. And Engineers are not known to be the most emotional person in the world!! BTW, I love your new assemblage!

reagan said...

I'll drink online coffee with ya any ol' time sweetie! Your sisters are here anytime you need us:-)
And Yes, he is a hunk-wink!

starrynightimpressions said...

I love your compulsive artist title!
and husbands are the best friends of all! specially when they overlook the glitter and paper, lol.
and your words regarding letting go of certain things to spend more time on art and your child, made my heart sing.
Children grow sooo quick, so taking them to the zoo etc. is so important.
Sending vibes your way for winning the lottery :)


It always hurts when someone exits our lives and when you don't know why, then it hurts that much more. You are blessed with your sweetie Glenn and that's wonderful!! And I am hoping one of us wins the lottery because I would just LOVE to sit down and have coffee with my sisters !!!! 'Til then, we'll be together and support each other in cyberspace :)

Kate said...

This is a really sweet post. You're a great gal.

Kathy said...

This "sister" is checking in too, a bit late. I love hearing you say your man is your best friend, love that. I feel that way to, even though, we still have our trying times! I hope you feelings heal soon, so happy to call you MY friend.

BurrOakOriginals said...

Your Glenn sounds like my Todd. Isn't it bliss to have that one true soul-mate. So glad you do.


glimmering prize said...

kim- i almost started to sing that carol king song... i do know what you mean about the people you are so connected to that even if you don't see them for a long time, every time you reconnect it's like magic and you are on the same page you've always been with them. I have three very close friends like that- one who i had not seen for 16 years- but when we reconnected it was like no time had gone by. it's strange the way you can connect with people-

David said...

After reading that post I'm getting a little choked up too...'scuse me a bone caught in my throat...

You're gettin' a hug this weekend.

btw, AWESOME pic of Glenn...he is SOOOOO cute in that one!